Wednesday 10 October 2007

An injury

For the first time since I started running in April, I think I've got an injury. I've had aches and sore bits, but I've got something at the moment which is in its 10th day.

I've got a shin splint. When I did the 22 mile run just over a week ago, my left shin was feeling sore in the last few miles; I pressed on. It then seemed to die down, gradually, over a few days. But I could feel it again during yesterday's 16-miler, and since then I have felt mild pain whenever walking about, and lying in bed at night. It was quite painful overnight.

Apparently the cure for these is complete rest; aggravating them can make them much worse, even to the point of bringing about a stress fracture. Hmmm. It is troubling that it feels significantly worse now than it did at first. It's good that I'm at the stage where I'm meant to be winding down the mileage. I'm keeping some ice on it, and will see how it feels tomorrow. I was only planning a couple of 5-milers more this week; we'll see how it responds.

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